Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Colicky Baby? 8 Suggestions to Help ©

Colicky Baby?
Solutions and Suggestions:

1.      Get informed.  Find out what the causes are of colic and pursue them.  Go natural first!
One of the challenges in being informed is that there is a lot of information, and you need to decide what is applicable and what is not. 
Seek out medical advice from both Mechanistic and Vitalistic standpoints.  It is good to compare advice and see what your best options are.

2.      What are you feeding the baby?  If you are breastfeeding, then if your baby is unhappy or colicky, look at your eating habits first.  The top of the not to eat list would be:
-spicy foods, sweets, processed foods, dairy, wheat, nuts, etc.
                Be careful with baby foods that you purchase.  Some of them have processed foods and preservatives that are not good for your child.  Once your child has teeth, then just use a processor or even a baby food grinder to give your child the good food that you’re eating.

3.      Be careful to not just cover up your baby’s symptoms and think that all is well.  Symptom chasing can be dangerous and not in your child’s best interests.  Many symptoms should not be ignored, while some are more innocuous.  (A great read on this subject is Dr. Mendelshon’s book How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Dr.)

4.      Find some natural ways to soothe your baby’s needs.  Could your home be quieter some times in the day or night?  Could the room that he/she sleeps in be darker, more soothing?  Are there harmful substances in the home environment that could be removed, (smoking, strong odors, etc)?  Could the environment be made cleaner, more inviting, more relaxing to all that hang out there?

5.      See a Pediatric Chiropractor for a check up. 

A couple of Danish studies in over 91% of colicky babies improvement from Chiropractic care.  This was significantly higher than the efficacy of dimethicone (a digestive and anti-gas medication) with colicky babies. (4)

A pediatric chiropractor can check the baby’s nervous system for interference, (more in chapter 12 on this), and be helpful with digestive issues a7. s well.  I have personally seen great results in dozens to hundreds of colicky babies in my practice.
Since the four major categories of colic are:
a)       Stomach-reflux, difficulty digesting, etc.
b)       Intestinal-gas pains, constipation, diarrhea
c)      Muscular-particularly after a difficult birth
d)      Neurological-pressure on the nervous system
            All four of these categories respond particularly well to gentle chiropractic treatments and spinal adjustments.  Cranial sacral treatment is amongst the most gentle and can help the ‘over-stimulated’ baby the most.  Going back to Dr. Roumeliotis’ comment on an immature nervous system, who better to help than someone who specializes in the nervous system: a Pediatric Chiropractor.

6.      Are there some emotional issues that Mommy/Daddy and baby can improve on?  Are you in need of some counseling or assistance?  Seek help from family, friends, your community or your fellow church members.  You and your baby’s health is worth it.

7.      Swaddling a baby or wrapping them in a fairly tight blanket is sometime soothing

8.      Increase the noise level.  This seems counter-intuitive, but many parents swear that the blender, vacuum cleaner and other loud household noises seem to calm their colicky child down. 
The only explanation that I can think of is the physical therapy treatment using Electrical stimulation.  The P.T. actually ‘overstimulates’ an already unhappy muscle and sort of forces it to ‘calm down’.

Dr. Bill Lawler

Monday, November 21, 2011

Part 2 of “Our Daily Meds” by Melody Petersen

Drug companies target children and parents:
Pharmaceutical companies… “are now targeting the increasingly profitable and fast growing
Medicine market for children. The companies’ marketers have created:
                -video games
                -soft, cuddly toys

This is all in an attempt to attract children’s attention.  These marketers also know that parents want to have as perfect of a child as possible, hence:
                -human growth hormone can help sons grow taller
                -ritalin can help children interact better
                -antidepressants can help shy children play better with other kids

What are the effects?  Thousands of children have been harmed by these drugs. More than 7,000 reports of drugs harming children ages 0-2! In three years: 1997-2000.  More than 750 of those children died!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hooked on Prescription Drugs

Quotes from: Our Daily Meds: How the Pharmaceutical Companies Transformed Themselves
Into Slick Marketing Machines and Hooked the Nation on Prescription Drugs
By Melody Petersen

This book was written by a former New York Times correspondent, who specialized in covering the pharmaceutical companies. The more she looked into these companies, the more she realized that there was a major amount of information for a book.

What she discovered was that many drug companies are more concerned with sales than research. She found that the drug sales reps had enormous latitude in rewarding doctors with perks, bonuses, and that it was all part of the drug companies HUGE marketing budget.

“Selling prescription drugs-rather than discovering them-has become the pharmaceutical industry’s obsession.” (p.2)
“America has become the world’s greatest medicine show.” (p.4)

Americans spent $250 BILLION in 2005 on prescription drugs. Americans spend more on medicines that do all the people of:
-Japan, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico,
Brazil and Argentina…combined!

Celebrities are spokesmen for the products. Professors and distinguished Doctors are on the payroll of major drug companies earning $25K+ for ‘speaking opportunities’ and up to $500K a year to tell people how wonderful the drug is, in the guise of objectivity.

The average American takes home 12 prescriptions a year, while older Americans take home 30.

Consequences: more than 100,000 Americans die each year not from illness…but from prescription drugs! That breaks down to 270 Americans dying every day from prescription pills.

Dr. Arnold Relman, professor emeritus at Harvard Medical School wrote:

“Again and again you see examples where patients get far more medication than they
need. The average senior in American is probably taking twice or three times the
medications they require.”

More to come next week…